Tuesday, January 6

One Size Larger Satisfaction

I could use a little bit bigger pants these days. I'm still wearing my old ones around, but I don't have the roomy comfort that pre-Christmas Margee enjoyed in them. This fact, however, is not getting me down. Not in the least. It's like a lingering euphoria from my holiday vacation in Iowa. The extra effort taken in putting these pants on is like them saying, "Whoa. You had a fantastic vacation, huh? You ate all that? And you rarely changed out of your pajamas or went outside? You drank how many different kinds of wine and delectable American beers? Sounds sweet."
Oh pants, you don't even know how sweet it was.
I wanted to relay to you all the minutiae of every meal I planned, cooked, or partook, but as my pants can testify, the food was so much.
To carry over a small bit of my gluttonous and lazy holidays, I have an array of photos (this is the gluttonous part) and no running commentary or recipes (this is the lazy part). If you see something that particularly entices you, let me know, and I can supply you with the recipe. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the photos and your constricting trousers.

Belgian Night

Christmas Eve Hors d’oeuvres

Christmas Eve Dinner

Left-Over Prime Rib Eggs Benedict Breakfast
Mother and Sister's Birthday Dinner

I would also like to mention that Christmas day, Winter Hog Roast, New Year's Eve, and New Years were all sumptuous and beautiful celebrations as well. Unfortunately (well for you, for me it really wasn't the least bit unfortunate) I was too busy eating, cooking, college football watching (wooo Hawks!), or adoring my new nephew to take any photographs of those lovely spreads. Cheers to a delicious 2009 and all the things from 2008 that have made us fatter, happier, and livelier.

1 comment:

  1. "constricting trousers"???

    Is that some sort of a chubby reference? Because if so, color me offended.
